Thursday, September 4, 2014

stim day 4

T-minus 36 hours until my first monitoring appointment! I am super nervous to find out if all these drugs have been working. I feeeeel like there is stuff going on, but I have felt this way before only for disappointment. If I have things my way (which I won't because my body has a mind of it's own..) the schedule would go like such:

Saturday (6): u/s bloodwork, bravelle + start ganirellix
Sunday (7): u/s bw, b + g
Monday (8): u/s bw, b + g
Tuesday (9): u/s bw, b + g
Wednesday (10): u/s bw, b + g *TRIGGER*
Thursday (11): NO SHOTS!!
Friday (12): egg retrieval
Sat/Sun/Mon (13-15): recover
and transfer a beautiful 5 day blastocyst on Wednesday (sept 17).

What will probably happen is we will go in Saturday and have a lacklust scan, the doc will say "stay the course" and if we're REALLY unlucky, we will order more drugs and keep stimming, or we will just "wait it out" and not end up triggering until Friday or Saturday, and I will have to take off a TON of work for egg retrieval and recovery. I suppose I should just be happy if we have >2 eggs.

So stim day 4: I held it together much better. this morning I felt a little weepy but didn't break a single tear. I just took the bravelle and I think I hit a vein or something. it hurt SO bad and seriously bled for a while. not cool.

Here's to 200$ into my belly! Ignore the lap scar and fat indentation from my pants :-P

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