Sunday, October 26, 2014

RE graduation

I missed my midweek update. my all day nausea is kicking my ass. I even took 1.5 days off work. 

How far along? 8 weeks
Total weight gain: don't even want to get near the scale :( all I can eat is mac n cheese so probably not good :-P
Maternity clothes?!  not to work, but around the house I'll wear maternity jeans or sweat pants.
Stretch marks? nope!.
Sleep: total insomnia. I miss sleep:/
Miss anything? eating without vomiting.
Movement: still cramping off & on. awful cramping
Food cravings: raw tuna.
Anything making you queasy or sick: everything, proteins, all food. everything is repulsive 
Gender: leaning back towards girl. I have had 3 dreams this week that it was a girl.
Symptoms: exhaustion & nausea. those words should be synonymous with pregnancy. Good news is the RE wrote me a prescription for Diclegis. I used it last night and it feels okay but not 100%
Belly button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On!! back from the shop!! it's sooo shiny! my rings are actually looser than usual
Happy or moody most of the time: very moody. angry. hair trigger
Looking forward to:  Being outta the first trimester? announcing Bee!

So, we were supposed to have our ultrasound next week on the 31st.  But.. DH is outta town, so I called to push it up. so we got to see Bee Friday at 7 weeks 5 days!

Presenting Bee at 7 weeks 5 days! Bee's heartbeat was super strong at 158!!! and was measuring right on point at 7+5!! So happy. 

Bee was actually doing so well that the RE graduated us to the an Ob! So we've officially been released from the RE which means now I get to stress about finding an Ob. ugh. I selected 3 practices and am going to call the RE's office for a recommendation.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sour stomach :(

How far along? 7 weeks!! everyday is a milestone
Total weight gain: down 2 pounds. hello morning all day sickness
Maternity clothes?!  nah, but stretchy jeans help with the nausea.
Stretch marks? nope!.
Sleep: like a rock. until the morning nausea hits.:/
Miss anything? beer. eating without wanting to vomit.
Movement: still cramping off & on. 
Food cravings: beer.
Anything making you queasy or sick: horrible nausea all day every day. eating is a constant chore. the only food  I can eat is mac n cheese or peanut butter m&m's lol 
Gender: leaning boy! 
Symptoms: exhaustion. nausea. headaches. did I mention nausea??
Belly button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? Off .. ring still in the shop.
Happy or moody most of the time: moody but doing better on happiness
Looking forward to:  our next Bee appointment isn't until Oct 31st :( whaaaaa

So this last week was turbulent. We saw Bee Wednesday, I went on a business trip & my nausea disappeared. Naturally I freaked that I was miscarrying and then I came home. Now back at home, my nausea has reached an all new level of awful. It's all day plus exhaustion. 
Our entire house reeks. I smell everything!!! 

Thursday, October 16, 2014


So we made it to Wednesday!!

We got to see baby Bee!

On one measurement, bee was 6w3d and the other was 6w2d. So Bee is just about perfect. The doctor made my EDD estimated due date June 7th! 

The most amazing part was the heart beat. We saw the flicker on the screen first but then the nurse wanted to see if we could hear it! And she turned on the doppler and we hear boom boom boom boom. It was crazy!! It wasn't real until that moment. They measured Bee's heart rate at 108. The doctor said that it was a tad slow but will sky rocket over the next few days. 
So of course I've been in a panic about the heart rate.. What's new lol! 

Monday, October 13, 2014

milestones and insurance

so I know this is breaking the sunday-wednesday posting habit, but I wanted to post.

6 weeks 1 day. we hit the milestone!! and I pretty sure based on my unrelenting nausea that baby Bee is doing okay. I have started getting these strange cramps right behind my belly button but Dr. Google says that okay.

now for the rant. this weekend I got an insurance bill for 2,400$. WHAT! that's in addition to the 15k we have already forked over. I looked at the claims and the last 8 claims have all been denied. I called the insurance company to ask why even unrelated bloodwork isn't being covered now and apparently after being diagnosed as "INFERTILE" by the RE, nothing is covered since we don't have fertility coverage. thus all my medical claims are being rejected regardless of whether or not they are fertility procedure related. because I am a hormonal mess, I ran to the nearest closet (my work place went to this open environment shenanigans last fall) and proceeded to bawl my eyes out until someone walked in on me... yeah that was embarrassing.

Between the nausea, insurance and the hormones, I would rate today a -2 on the 1(suck) - 10 (awesome) scale.

I guess I need to call the RE and see if Wednesday's ultrasound can be diagnosed as pregnant or something not infertile so I don't end up paying 100000000000$$ for it.  I am just so bummed and feel so cheated. I hate insurance.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

6 weeks

6 weeks 1 day is my longest pregnancy to date, so tomorrow is a huge milestone! without further adieu,  Bee is the size of a lentil!! mm I love lentil soup.
How far along? 6 weeks
Total weight gain: 0 lbs. (despite running 2x this week, ugh salt super bloats me)
Maternity clothes?!  on bloaty days my jeans are super tight, but not quite yet.
Stretch marks? nope!.
Sleep: still good. a couple of mid-night pees but peaceful.:/
Miss anything? sushi!!
Movement: still cramping off & on. 
Food cravings: salt & vinegar chips
Anything making you queasy or sick: horrible nausea today & yesterday. pork aversion. kitchen aversion. I can start eating something & 3 bites in the thought makes me nauseated. 
Gender: so if you asked earlier in the week, I would have said boy. but my face suddenly broke out & my nausea has returned with vengeance. therefore, still girl.
Symptoms: exhaustion. and my friend, constipation, is back full force!
Belly button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? Off but that's because I fell down the stairs & knocked a diamond out so it's getting repaired
Happy or moody most of the time: either pissed off or crying. it's not a pretty sight :P
Looking forward to:  Seeing Bee on Wednesday!! why is it always wednesday??

In other news, I started running again this week. hoping to safely drop some of this infertilty weight.  before we started all the infertility drugs (clomid/femara etc) I was about 10 pounds lighter.  Then on IVF I gained ~9 pounds.  I lost the IVF weight pretty fast, but am still about 10ish pounds more than I want. Hopefully running 2-3x a week will get those off.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

5w3d- Beta #3

So today we had our last and final beta blood draw. I have been really nervous since my nausea has pretty much gone and so has my other symptoms *cough*constipation*cough*.

The nurse called at 12:45. I was shocked since they normally call around 2pm. Beta came back at 13,600 something. My ears shut down at 13k. WHAT! I was hoping for >3000!!

So now I have new things to panic over, molar pregnancy? multiples? is Bee okay?! ahh. The best thing is we have an ultrasound scheduled NEXT WEDNESDAY!!! to see Bee!! and hopefully see Bee's heartbeat!  I asked the nurse if I should be worried about the high beta, and she said no, it's not scary and to keep doing what I am doing because Bee is very happy. (She didn't call it Bee.. but you get the jist).

So symptoms, because we all love symptom spotting:
greasy face
craving salt and buffalo sauce. mmm salt & vinegar chips. mmm
cramping. yep that is still there.

but nausea has died down (one bout the other night) and everything else is going well!!

Preg Date  DPO Beta Value Doubling
4w1d 15dpo 266
4w3d 17dpo 704 34.18
5w3d 24dpo 13600 39.33

so from this calculator, Bee's growth rate is slowing some..

Sunday, October 5, 2014

5 weeks!!

today is 5 weeks! Bee is growing like crazy. I am still crampy every day and thoroughly exhausted.
How far along? 5 weeks
Total weight gain: up 0.2 lbs
Maternity clothes?! maternity jeans are the most wonderful things ever!! I cannot wait to wear them lol
Stretch marks? nope!.
Sleep: finally better.  I actually was worried that Bee wasn't okay lol:/
Miss anything? beer. sushi!!
Movement: cramping. major cramping
Food cravings: salty & buffalo sauce mmm
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope, no more nausea. 
Gender: leaning towards girl ever since we saw the blastocyst. lol I know it's crazy
Symptoms: exhaustion. hunger
Belly button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: generally happy, little bit of moodiness starting
Looking forward to: beta appointment Wednesday!! hopefully it's high enough we'll get to see Bee soon!!

So, funny story. We're still on the PIO shots & last night hubster & I were out when it was shot time. so we raced to the car & did the shot in the car on a busy street lol! I bet people walking by thought we were druggies or something. I brought the prescription bottle just in case an office stopped us!! haha

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

4w3d- major cramping.

Beta news!

So monday 4w1d, 15dpo Beta #1 came back at 266.

I was over the moon, the doctor said we were aiming for 70 but would be okay with 50!! We've never had a first beta that high. I was excited but not totally surprised since we got some early BFPs at 9/10dpo. Next beta was scheduled for this morning, 17 dpo.

So sleep has not been my friend lately. I even slept in another bedroom last night because I have been such a light sleeper everything wakes me up. Well I still couldn't sleep and had the WORST cramps. I immediately started to freak out. I have been having pretty rough cramps off and on since 4dp5dt but these woke me out of a dead sleep. No spotting, but I don't expect to spot with the progesterone shots.

So this morning we had the beta. which was nerve wrenching because it can ultimately tell us if Bee is okay. So my nurse told me that I wouldn't have to wait for the doctor to call and that bloodwork would be back at 1ish. So 1pm rolls around.. nothing. 1:30 rolls around.. nothing. 2pm. nothing. 2:15 FINALLY she calls. Beta #2 was 704!! more than doubling!! we'll take it! grow baby Bee growww!!

so next beta appointment is next Wednesday (aka forever from now: 24dpo or 19dp5dt or 5w3d). I don't even know what to expect for a beta for that day. doubling would put 1400 friday, but I know after 1200 beta slows a little.. so I guess we will wait and see!