Sunday, March 8, 2015

Second Trimester Round Up

I didn't do any sort of summary for the first trimester, but it was mostly uneventful. I mean I think I spent every other week in the doctors office and worrying/freaking out. Actually, let's do a quicky summary so far.

Weeks 1-2: Freak out over IVF/stims/ER/Eggs
Weeks 3-4: Freak out over implantation/BFP and progesterone injections lol
Weeks 5-6: Go to doctor 3-4x to get blood taken, freak out over beta levels and get first ultrasound.
Weeks 7-8: Go to doctor more to freak out if Bee was viable, more U/S and graduate from RE.
Weeks 9-10: Get first humanoid looking U/S and finish the progesterone injections!
Weeks 11-13: NT Scan, chromosomal blood testing and learn that it's a little man!!

So see the first trimester was pretty busy and flew by. I was so sick the entire time that I maybe gained 1 pound the whole time. (I was down a few pounds the on week 13, so my numbers are odd)

Second trimester seemed to take FOREVER. forevvveerrrr. *queue sandlot*
We've only had 1 scan of Charlie Bee actually, we technically had two because he wasn't behaving the first anatomy scan we had. So we actually got to see him week 19 and week 21. Which feels like forever ago, in case you were wondering. So in short summary the second trimester totals:
* felt charlie bee move
* gained 10.8 pounds (according to FitBit but that's from the weight lost in the first trimester)
* weird cravings? just dunkin coffee.. mmm
* registered for baby gear
* announced to my coworkers using blue cupcakes

and that's about it.  Nothing to really break up the monotony of the middle 3 months.  I am hoping this last trimester goes a little quicker. :-P

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