Friday, May 29, 2015

1 week down, a million to go :)

Charlie-man is a week old!! I cannot believe it.

Momma recovery:
1) things "down south" are healing. first few days were really, really rough- word of advice, get epifoam at the hospital & buy some dermaplast spray.
2) I can finally eat proteins!!
3) broccoli gives little man HORRIBLE gas
4) I'm down 8 pounds [edit: 14 pounds. 8 pounds to go for prepreg/post IVF weight.  Ideally, I would like to lose 10-13 more]. considering little man was 6 pounds I am a little bummed but my boobies are huge so maybe it evens out?
5) sleeping pretty well :)
6) I am still living in sweat pants lol too afraid to try on my jeans

1) already back to birth weight
2) loves him wubbanub & mamaroo
3) First activities
  • car ride
  • grocery store visit
  • stroller ride (just around the neighborhood)
4) sleeping really well. I feed at 10pm & go to sleep. hubster feeds by bottle at midnight then I feed 4am, 6:30am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5/6ishpm, 8pm and we continue then next day. It seems to work really well for all of us.

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