How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain: hahah this week has not been a good weight week. I gained back the few I lost and then some.. again my weight is crazy. I think I have officially gained 18 pounds now? haha ouch
Maternity clothes?! ehh a 60/40 maternity to regular. I just don't like clothes in general.
Stretch marks? still none! fx it stays like this!! [same]
Sleep: I have finally reached the really bad sleep point. between the inability to get comfortable and the heartburn, I am in full baby training mode.
Miss anything? blue moon beer. mmm and recently, wine lol [same]
Movement/Symptoms: still hiccups, constant kicks. little man sleeps throughout the night though, so at least one of us is sleeping.
Food cravings: coffee, french fries.
Anything making you queasy or sick: sometimes buffalo sauce. I have random aversions that vary hour to hour.
Gender: it's a boy! (although my neighbor let me know that you never really know until the baby comes out lol)
Symptoms: super insomnia, bloat, EXHAUSTION. I am so tired.
Belly button in or out? In, I still wonder if it's going to pop or just stay super flat.
Wedding rings on or off? I wear the engagement ring occasionally, but for the most part I keep it off.
Happy or moody most of the time: moody. definitely moody. I want to be nice but my patience is negligible.
Looking forward to: my first shower is this weekend! excited but mildly nervous. we will see how it goes, I have a ton of stuff I need to do around the house. so much preparations.
Still need to finish the nursery. bahh so much to do, so little energy.
Still need to finish the nursery. bahh so much to do, so little energy.
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