This is will be a double post, the NT scan from last Monday (yep.. a week ago..) and the 13 week post.. so chronological order:
NT scan
It was our first belly scan!! yay!! less invasive than the coochie-cam. DH came with me (he's so good). and Bee was stubborn and hilarious! the tech was trying to measure Bee, and so the tech tapped my belly and Bee flipped around angry and showed us its spine and butt! it has a precious little spine! I love it. so sassy. We did get the measurements and our NT numbers looked good.
the tech was laughing about Bee's large nose. Bee also has looooooooooooooooong legs. I love it!
We also decided to do the extra optional chromosomal testing to test for all chromosomal disorders. We got those results back today- everything is great!
13 Week Update
How far along? 13 + 4? something like that
Total weight gain: still +/- 0.5 lbs
Total weight gain: still +/- 0.5 lbs
Maternity clothes?! yes. they are so stinking comfy!
Stretch marks? nope!.
Sleep: serious insomnia. still bad insomnia.
Miss anything? blue moon beer with an orange. [same]
Movement/Symptoms: muscle cramping. some uterine cramping this week which scares me- I had HORRIBLE gas pains on thanksgiving. it was awful.
Food cravings: icecream.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nausea came back FULL force. ugh. all food sounds gross, and I don't like left overs. lol
Gender: we actually know the answer... ooh!
Symptoms: exhaustion & insomnia. muscle aches. IMSONIA
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On!! loose still.
Happy or moody most of the time: tired? is that a mood?
Looking forward to: Revealing Bee's gender!!
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