Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy Holidays!

With the holidays and traveling, I missed the 16 week post :( so I am just going to roll both posts into 1.. not too much difference anyway at this point.

16 and 17 Week Update
How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain: with holiday cookies, I have avoided the scale! haaha 
Maternity clothes?! yes.  need those longer tops and I haven't even tried to get into normal pants in weeks lol
Stretch marks? not yet, but my skin is so dry and painful. ouch.
Sleep: insomnia is much better, and I have finally managed to figure out my water intake/peeing all night.
Miss anything? blue moon beer with an orange. [same-, my brother bought me a beer scented candle for Christmas haha]
Movement/Symptoms: baby boy is a dancing/karate machine. If I do things he doesn't like, he is FAST to let me know. I can't wait for husband to feel him!
Food cravings: not really. food is still a tough subject.
Anything making you queasy or sick: food aversion and sour stomache, when will this end?!
Gender: it's a boy! we're going to name him Charles. the middle name is up for debate lol 
Symptoms: anger. exhaustion. anger
Belly button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On!! need to take my ring to get fixed still.
Happy or moody most of the time: if you ask hubster, moody as crap
Looking forward to:  We see Bee Charlie!! a week from Monday!! 8 ish days! ahh

Monday, December 15, 2014


15 Week Update
How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain: I will admit it- 1.5 ish pounds.
Maternity clothes?! yes. just bought a few more tops
Stretch marks? nope! been lotioning nightly- my skin is so painful
Sleep: serious insomnia and light sleep. weird weird weird dreams, reliving old memories. yuck
Miss anything? blue moon beer with an orange. [same]
Movement/Symptoms: tiny flutters.
Food cravings: not really. see below?
Anything making you queasy or sick: food aversion and sour stomache
Gender: see bee-low!!
Symptoms: anger. exhaustion. anger
Belly button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On!! but I lost a diamond again.. grr so back to the shop.
Happy or moody most of the time: tired? angry.
Looking forward to:  20 week anat scan so we can see Bee!

So this last weekend, we invited over our families for the revealing!!
Here is our cake: "Who Will I Bee?"
and we cut in to reveal....

BEE IS A BOY!!!! woohoo.
so excited!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The bump has popped!

14 Week Update (very very very late.. it's actually almost 15 weeks)
How far along? we are going to call it 14 weeks.
Total weight gain: I will admit it- 1.5 ish pounds.
Maternity clothes?! yes. I need longer shirts lol
Stretch marks? nope! been lotioning nightly- my skin is so painful
Sleep: serious insomnia and light sleep. it sucks.
Miss anything? blue moon beer with an orange. [same]
Movement/Symptoms: I think I have felt Bee move twice!! just tiny flutters.
Food cravings: pizza and beer. lol 
Anything making you queasy or sick: still nauseated off and on. still major protein aversion
Gender: big revealing Saturday!!!!!! 
Symptoms: exhaustion & insomnia, mood swings. crying. oh the crocodile tears lol
Belly button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On!! loose still. I think the cold weather is making them looser.
Happy or moody most of the time: tired? is that a mood?
Looking forward to:  Revealing Bee's gender!!

So quick Bee update. We didn't get to see it yesterday at our midwife appointment, but we heard it!! Great heartbeat at 158 and it was moving all over the place. wild child already!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Nuchal translucency screening

So I am apparently REALLY bad at this blogging business... lol

This is will be a double post, the NT scan from last Monday (yep.. a week ago..) and the 13 week post..  so chronological order:

NT scan
It was our first belly scan!! yay!! less invasive than the coochie-cam. DH came with me (he's so good). and Bee was stubborn and hilarious! the tech was trying to measure Bee, and so the tech tapped my belly and Bee flipped around angry and showed us its spine and butt! it has a precious little spine! I love it. so sassy. We did get the measurements and our NT numbers looked good.

the tech was laughing about Bee's large nose. Bee also has looooooooooooooooong legs. I love it!
We also decided to do the extra optional chromosomal testing to test for all chromosomal disorders. We got those results back today- everything is great!

13 Week Update
How far along? 13 + 4? something like that
Total weight gain: still +/- 0.5 lbs
Maternity clothes?! yes. they are so stinking comfy!
Stretch marks? nope!.
Sleep: serious insomnia. still bad insomnia.
Miss anything? blue moon beer with an orange. [same]
Movement/Symptoms: muscle cramping. some uterine cramping this week which scares me- I had HORRIBLE gas pains on thanksgiving. it was awful. 
Food cravings: icecream. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: nausea came back FULL force. ugh. all food sounds gross, and I don't like left overs. lol
Gender: we actually know the answer... ooh!
Symptoms: exhaustion & insomnia. muscle aches. IMSONIA
Belly button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On!! loose still.
Happy or moody most of the time: tired? is that a mood?
Looking forward to:  Revealing Bee's gender!!